I Remember

Corinne Rodrigues
2 min readAug 31, 2021

“Those were the days, my friend, we thought they’d never end….” goes the song. And I’ve officially reached that time in my life when I long for the good old days, the good old ways, values and behaviour.

I Remember
Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

My recent forays into socializing with younger, more ‘with-it’ people, have made me long for times when everything seemed simpler. Days when you made friends with people just because you liked them and not for how you could use them. Times when you didn’t need to say how much you were earning or talk about the price of your designer shoes. An age when children were allowed to be children. Days when love meant so much more than a quick fling. Times when the little gestures were not taken for granted and you showed genuine gratitude to people who did something for you.

These days it’s all about:

Playing the victim. What ever happened to good old responsibility?

Flaunting your wealth and other stuff. What ever happened to good old simplicity?

Showing off your achievements (real or imagined). What ever happened to good old modesty?

Brazenly lying through your teeth. What ever happened to good old credibility?

Calling yourself a goddess and acting like a diva. What ever happened to good old humility?

Being loud and making people wait. What ever happened to good old civility?

I, me and my. What ever happened to good old charity?

But if we want to we can bring back ‘those days’ — it’s just a matter of choice, isn’t it?

